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Monday, November 19, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, one of the largest myths of Argentina and the world of tango was revealed: the nationality of Carlos Gardel. For decades, there has been an argument on what the place of birth of tango most famous singer was. The answer came through an investigation that lasted more than 10 years which was published in the book “El Padre de Gardel” (The Father of Gardel): Gardel was French.

Three different countries (Argentina, Uruguay and France) argued for years over the origin of the greatest tango singer of all times. French said he was born in Toulouse under the name of Charles Gardes. Uruguayans affirmed he was born in a city called Tacuarembó and then moved to Argentina at the age of 5. Argentines said he was born in Buenos Aires City, recognizing his French roots.

The French were right. The birth certificate was found and it stated: “Charles Romuald Gardes was born on December 11, 1890 in Toulouse, France”. Although this fact makes a great difference for historians, for tango music lovers it is only an anecdote. The magic of Gardel voice is a symbol of Buenos Aires and the River Plate and it can be enjoyed everywhere in the world.

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