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Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Buenos Aires City is full of wonderful architecture. Different styles are combines in the streets of our city and Downtown Buenos Aires gathers most of our patrimony. The City Government has recently declared new architectural protected areas with the objective of preserving buildings, churches, squares and spaces which define the multi-cultural identity of Buenos Aires. Hostel Colonial, in Downtown, is part of those protected areas.

The new areas include streets from different traditional neighborhoods as: San Telmo, Montserrat and Constitución.  Besides preserving historical and architectural patrimony, these areas will promote touristic development opportunities for local business. The delimited space is among the streets: Hipólito Yrigoyen St., Bernardo de Irigoyen Avenue, Finocchietto St., Perú St., Caseros Avenue, Bolívar St., Juan de Garay Avenue and Paseo Colón Avenue.

There are 70 apples and 300 protected buildings in the new areas. The new construction in this streets will have to respect the style and height of the surroundings.

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