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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Buenos Aires has the largest Jewish community in Latin America (an one of the fifth largest communities outside Israel in the world). Its culture and traditions are deeply rooted in the Porteño culture. While Balvanera neighborhood (also known as Once) is a traditional Jewish spot in town, there are many temples, food stores, restaurants and libraries which represent the spirit of this great culture. Hostel Colonial brings you a short interesting list for you to discover our Jewish Buenos Aires.

1. Kosher McDonalds and restaurants.
The only kosher fast food store outside Israel is the Abasto Shopping McDonalds. Located in 3247 Corrientes Ave. There are also many restaurant (either Central European or Middle Eastern oriented) such as: Mamá Jacinta (2580 Tucumán St.), Al Galope (2633 Tucuman St.) and Helueni (2418 Tucumán Street).

2. Shoá Museum.
Located in 919 Montevideo Street, this museum was built on a former power plant. Its objective is to raise awareness on the teaching of the Holocaust. The Foundation that runs the place does a vast educational work to fight racism and xenophobia.

3. Sigal Library.
In 2854 Corrientes Ave., the library was founded in year 5690 (1930) by Simon Sigal, born in Tzfat, Israel. It’s specialized in Spanish books on the Torá, Talmud, Jewish traditions and history, Israel and the study of Hebrew. In 2003, the place was declared as part of Buenos Aires historical patrimony.

4. The First Synagogue.
In 761 Libertad St., less than 10 block away from our Hostel Colonial, is the first synagogue built in town. The project started in 1897 and was finished in the first years of the XX Century. The building has Romantic and Byzantine influences and it’s a major symbol for our Jewish community.

5. AMIA.
Located in 633 Pasteur St., the Argentinian Jewish Community Association is a main reference for the community. Known worldwide because of the bombing it suffered in 1994, nowadays it’s been reconstructed and still helps and serves the Jewish interests.

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