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Saturday, April 19, 2008


The Hostel Colonial welcomes every young boys or girls that comes to Buenos Aires looking for nice new people to know, learn about new cultures, visit amazing and impressing parks, buildings, the port, the restaurants, pubs and parties and why not, spend some weeks studying Spanish?!
Thousands of teenagers and young adults from the entire world are choosing the capital of Argentina as a destination for university studies and language courses, and the number of interested people is increasing more and more!
Here in our hostel, every year, we meet and receive guests that come to stay for some weeks or a couple of months studying Spanish and of course, enjoying the city, certainly having much fun! Take a look at Vinícius, a friend from Brazil who shared his pictures with us, showing that more than taking classes and improving his Spanish skills, he made friends and between the school and books, one can enjoy some of the best that Buenos Aires has to offer: Pubs, great football teams on breathtaking matches and (many) beautiful people!

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