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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The Buenos Aires City Government has created comprehensive and simple tourist guides in the 10 most frequent Buenos Aires visitor’s languages. In its website, you can find the dull *pdf versions of these Buenos Aires introductions in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, French, Chinese (including a simplified version), Italian, English, Japanese and Arab. The project seeks to facilitate the tourist’s access to the city.

A simple index including five subjects: “The City”, “Useful Phones and Addresses”, “Tours”, “Services” and “Activities”, all of them including precise and updated information on Buenos Aires. The idea is to expand the language availability each year, as the existing guides will only need a brief update.

In “The City” you can find basic data as the location of Buenos Aires, its people (the Porteños), language, religion, climate, health level, tourist seasons, security, holidays and currency, among others. In “Useful Phones and Addresses”, information on the specific entities dedicated to tourists, which serve in different languages as the Tourist Police Station, the Tourist Ombudsman, embassies and consulates.

In “Tours”, suggestions on guided visits to the Buenos Aires neighborhoods and places you must see. The section “Services” offers you info on accommodations, food, transportation and a series of recommendations for tourists. Finally, on “Activities”, a full list with the basic and traditional Buenos Aires (museums, tango, famous bars, cinemas, plan for the night, etc.). Buenos Aires offers the Tourist Guide and Hostel Colonial the perfect accommodation.

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