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Monday, May 21, 2007


The City of Buenos Aires is the capital of the Argentine Republic and is located in the southern hemisphere, latitude 34º 36' and longitude 58º 26'. The city extends on a plain and has 202 square kilometers (78.3 sq miles). Approximately 3 million people live in this city. Including the metropolitan area, the total population of Buenos Aires is above ten millions, making it one of the 10 most populated urban centers in the world.
The Río de la Plata and the Riachuelo are the natural borders of the city on the east and south, respectively. The rest of the metropolitan perimeter is surrounded by the General Paz Avenue from north to west. This avenue provides a fast connection between the city and the Greater Buenos Aires, a densely populated area with important business and industrial activity.The climate of Buenos Aires is mild all year round.
The mean annual temperature is 18º C (64.4º F), making extremely hot and cold days very infrequent. Thus, visitors can enjoy walking around the city in any season.July is the coldest month. Although frosts are rare, a woollen coat, a jacket or an overcoat and a scarf will be required when going out. In winter, cold is moderate during the day, but temperature considerably drops at night.In summer, the weather is hot and humid. Mornings are warm and during midday and the first hours of the afternoon, the temperature rises. At night, temperature goes down slightly, so people may wear light clothes; coats are not needed. Rains are more frequent in autumn and spring (from March to June and from September to December, respectively).
They are mild or last a short time, thus activities are not hampered and people usually go out with an umbrella or a raincoat.In the sunny days of autumn and spring, mornings are slightly cold; the temperature rises at midday and drops again at night.O clima de Buenos Aires é benigno o ano inteiro. A temperatura média anual de 18º faz com que sejam escassos os dias de calor e frio intensos, permitindo passear pela cidade em qualquer época do ano.
Porteños are warm and hospitable: they usually invite tourists for lunch or dinner at their homes and prepare typical food.The characteristic infusion is the mate. It is prepared by pouring warm water into a gourd, also called mate that contains yerba mate.Some people add sugar, but most prefer "un amargo" (a mate without sugar).

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