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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Finally, the Hostel Colonial blog has a new design. The classic Blogger template has been changed in his appearance (basically in the lack of it) and visually enhanced.
It took me a long time to decide how to handle the job, did not find templates that I liked. I looked at Mashable , in Pyzam, but nothing. Nor was any web designer who specializes in blogs and to make a design as seriously.
One day on the Internet, and almost by chance I met Cookieface, a design and news blog. The author of this site is also blogs designer. Bingo. His name is Alejandro Velazquez, @alvelazquez for those who are followers in Twitter.
We contacted, we are talking about two hours and we agreed in five minutes. My idea: Buenos Aires + Hostel + Backpackers + Web 2.0.
The result has been a very accessible blog. Access from smartphones as IPhone or Nokia N Series has practically no make mistakes and the site can be viewed very quickly. The right column was simplified, were eliminated widgets and Javascript code that made the site very slow.
I really like the blog but as it became more I like the challenge that we are taking these days. Our official website will be completely redesigned in Wordpress, a very hard work, so in a short time will be two blogs, each with its function and its functionality.
People know now, Hostel Colonial Buenos Aires used Blogger and soon also use Wordpress. Or maybe you can´t be well with God and the Devil? Humm!!! We'll see. It´s part of the bet and I like that risk.
New Design

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