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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

THE PONCHO (By Hostel Buenos Aires)

The “poncho” is a typical regional garment. Although its use is common in most of the countries of South America, in Argentina it’s strongly associated with the figure of “the gauchos”. These men are the incarnation of the Argentine country people. They use to live riding their horses and knew the nature and its mysteries like no one else. Among the few things they carried along in their journeys through the Pampa was the poncho.

This garment is a simple-design coat, consisting of a rectangular piece of heavy thick material, in which center a whole is made for the head. The material –while covering the whole body- must be placed in a way that suits the proper arms movement. Experts say that the name comes from the native Quechua tongue “punchu”, meaning the same as “poncho”.

Being originally a garment of the natives of this part of the continent, the poncho was quickly adopted by the creoles that work in the country by its utility and versatility. The design of every poncho varies according to the country, region or town that represents. The most famous Argentine poncho is “the poncho salteño” (from the province of Salta), red colored with black stripes. Another typical poncho is the one from the Northern Province of Jujuy, brown colored.

Nowadays, it’s possible to find ponchos anywhere in our country. Although they are not usual garments in Buenos Aires, you might see them in many provinces, especially in those of the North Western area of Argentina (Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, Catamarca). Nevertheless, you can get them in Buenos Aires stores, as a gift or curiosity.

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