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Monday, July 5, 2010

THE BUS OF THE MUSEUMS (By Hostel Buenos Aires)

Buenos Aires will inaugurate soon a tourist bus that will travel through its main museums. The trip will be available during this winter vacations and will travel across Libertador and Figueroa Alcorta avenues. Those who prefer it, might do it walking or in their bicycles. 40 blocks and 15 museums among which stand out the Latin American Art Museum (MALBA) and the Planetarium. “The Mile of the Museums” is here.

The project is inspired in those of cities like Madrid, London or New York, where similar buses work. It includes 15 of the 120 museums of the city including: Torre Monumental, the Hispanic American Art Museum Isaac Fernández Blanco, the Railway Museum, the Architecture and Design Museum (MARQ), the Palais de Glace, the Recoleta Cultural Center, The Fine Arts National Museum, The Car Club Musem, the Decorative Arts Museum, the Traditional Art Museum José Hernández, the Metropolitan Museum, the mentioned MALBA, the Evita Museum, the Planetarium and the Sívori Museum.

The idea is to link these museums for those who regularly visit only one of them. Looking forward to give an incentive to Porteños and tourists to build their own path through the different options. The designer’s proposal has two tours to visit the museums in 48 hours or three days, according to their disposition and preferences. Each museum will be identified by clear signs. In addition, in their interiors, digital screens will inform about the temporary exhibitions in the different spaces.

The bus will work from Tuesday to Sunday, from 12PM to 6PM and will stop in the regular bus stops. There will also be an alternative circuit that will include other museums and art galleries nearby. The cost of the ticket is 70 Argentine pesos (17 American dollars) for the general public, 50 Argentine pesos (12 American dollars) for neighbors and 35 Argentine pesos (9 American dollars) for kids under 12 years and retired persons.

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