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Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Constitucion neighborhood is one of the older of this city. It’s organized around the train station and the large square in front of it. Also in this area, there’s the main church of Constitucion: a recently remodeled neo gothic marvel. Although many people ignore it, Constitucion has another important church, right in its limit with San Telmo neighborhood, called the Immaculate Conception Parish Church (910 Independencia Avenue).

This parish is the second oldest of Buenos Aires, built in 1733 by Spanish architect Guillermo González y Gutierrez de Aragón, it tributes both Saint Michael Archangel and Our Lady of Holy Remedies. Five years later, the parish was bought by local trader Matias Flores and wife who decided to advocate it to the Immaculate Conception. Several redesigns occurred until acquiring the modern look in 1865.

In mid XIX century it was known as the black parish, as the audience was the large black community who lived in that neighborhood (mostly immigrants from West Africa). Although many of our black population died on the war against Paraguay, the place always kept its popular audience.

On the outside, you’ll see a small beautiful building with white walls, ornamented blue top, wooden doors and a figure of the virgin above the main door. Inside the church the ambient has a contrast between the dark ambient and the many colorful images on the walls and an altar full of flowers. If you’re visiting San Telmo or Constitucion neighborhood, you should stop by this special parish.

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