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Monday, December 27, 2010


Some of the most beautiful building in the city are located on Avenida de Mayo, just 6 blocks away from or Hostel Colonnial. One of them is known as “La Inmobiliaria” (The Real Estate Agency), formerly called Heinlein Palace. Neo-renaissance styled, the building was inaugurated on may 25th 1910, for the centenary of Argentina. It was built by the first insurance company of the country.

Located in montserrat neighborhood, on 1402/1500 Avenida de Mayo (between San José and Presidente Luis Sáenz peña streets), it sets apart from the rest by its twin reddish domes, one on each corner. The building has 7 floors and its maximum height is 68 meters. From the top, you can take a marvelous look of the complex of squares in front of the Congress (especially Plaza Lorea).

To realize “La Inmobiliaria” project the firm hired the Italian arquitect Luigi Broggi. The building became one if the first rental apartments in the city, combined with stores on the outstanding Avenida de Mayo. The insurance firm installed on the first floor of the new building and the ground floor was bought by Guillermo Heinlein, who put there his bathroom fittings store.

The building’s eclectic style is characterized as neo-renaissance by its remarkable simmetry, espacially in its domes. These are sets on both corners of the Avenida de Mayo, are made of zinc and iron, red coloured and have viewpoints. A pair of statues from the Greek gods Venus and Apollo decorate the corners of the building and its central section in eight different spaces. In its front, on Avenida de Mayo, you can see a large marquee with its name “La Inmobiliaria”.

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