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Monday, February 13, 2012


Last Saturday February the 4th, the Porteño Carnivals officially started. These events bring music, joy and color to Buenos Aires streets. More than 100 murgas (local Carnival aggrupation) are performing every Saturday (from 7PM to 2AM) and Sundays and Carnival Holidays from 7PM to 12AM. The Porteño murgas are a cultural patrimony of Buenos Aires since 1997.

The first Carnival of our city was in 1869, following the black tradition of the River Plate. The frenzy of the dance and the joy of the drums are its main characteristics, which define a unique style. The murga lyrics are named “Críticas” (critiques) and they combine social denunciations with laughs, color and dance.

Another distinguishing mark of these groups is their garment: frock coat, gloves, top hat and baton. The murgas spends most of the year preparing its clothes and specially their rhythms. Each one is a strong representation of its neighborhood, a true cultural expression. If you are visiting Buenos Aires during this month, don’t miss the chance to enjoy one of our most typical cultural gatherings.

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