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Monday, September 2, 2013


Nueva Pompeya is a neighborhood located south west of Buenos Aires City. It is one of the most tango related places in our city. Some even say tango was born here. The name comes from a church built in 1900 in homage of the Italian city of Pompeii (Neva Pompeya means New Pompeii). Formerly known as “Barrio de las Ranas” (Frogs neighborhood), Pompeya is a great place to visit if you’re coming to Buenos Aires. Hostel Colonial tells you all you need to know.

Some of the main sightsees are: the Alsina Bridge (Sáenz Ave and General Paz Ave, connecting with south of Buenos Aires Province), Bar del Chino (one of the most tradition al tango places in Beazley Street), the Bird’s Fair (perito Moreno Ave and Sáenz Ave), the Colonia (a complex of old houses on Traful St and Cachi St), Our Lady from Rosario Church (Sáenz Ave and Esquiu St), among many others.

The myth says that Pompeya saw the birth of tango. People used to dance it in its streets where the black immigrants combined its drum rhythms with the Spanish descendants’ guitars. Even until now, you can breathe tango on Pompeya’s streets. If you’re coming to Buenos Aires, you should pay a visit to one of our greatest neighborhoods: Nueva Pompeya.

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